Chihuahua Health, Puppy Nutrition, and More

Chihuahua Health & Nutrition Articles

chihuahua doctorKeeping Your Chihuahua Healthy: Know the Risk Factors

The Chihuahua is generally a very healthy breed of dog. The are not prone to many illness or defects, and have one of the longest expected life spans of any breed. The chihuahua has a life expectancy of 15 – 22 years with some chihuahuas living to as old as 25 years! Virtually all Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot on their skull called a Molera, or Fontanel. Read More…

Corneal Ulcers in Chihuahuas

One of the things we most love about our chihuahuas are surely their expressive eyes, yet precisely because of their large, prominent nature, owners should be on the lookout for corneal ulcers Read More…

chihuahua and a great dane

Chihuahuas Nutrition Needs vs Large Dog Breed Nutrition Needs

An adult Chihuahuas is a sturdy energetic little dog. A 5 pound Chihuahua burns almost 3 times the amount of calories per pound as a dog weighing 150 pounds! Chihuahuas have special dietary needs because of their size. A chubby Chihuahua is not necassarily a healthy Chihuahua. Read More…

chihuahua in a dog bowl

Feed a Chihuahua. Chihuahua Puppy Nutrition

Pound for pound your puppy needs twice as  much calories as an adult dog of the same breed. Puppies need a lot of calories to fuel their rapid growth, they grow the fastest the first five months. Providing proper nutrition is essential to a puppy`s health, they are building bone, muscle, and organs. Read More…

dog vaccines

Dog Vaccines: Should a Chihuahua get a Smaller Dose?

Although it is rare for your Chihuahua to have adverse effects from vaccines, it does happen. Because of the devastation canine diseases can cause, the chances of catching a deadly disease outweigh the risk of the vaccines. Most vaccines are multiple vaccines in a single shot. The more vaccines in one injection the greater the risk. Read More…

Chihuahua Life Expectancy

How Long will Your Chihuahua Live? Chihuahua Life Expectancy

Chihuahuas are not prone to many illness or defects, and have one of the longest expected life spans of any breed. The chihuahua has a life expectancy of 15 – 22 years with some chihuahuas living to 25 years old! Read More…

chihuahua genetics

Two Short Hairs = A Long Hair? Chihuahua Genetics

Genetics are a very complicated matter: Dominant and recessive genes, phenotypes, genotypes, big A little A, etc. It can be an extremely over whelming subject, but this article can help. Read More…